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UETR Number Example
The UETR is a UUID (Universal Unique Identifier), which means it is a 36-character alphanumeric code, here's an example:
Example UETR Number: 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000
A 128-bit number: This refers to the size of the identifier, ensuring it is globally unique.
Hyphens separating specific segments of the code: These make the UETR easier to read and identify its parts.
An example of a UETR number can be found in the image at the top of the page, on the third line down, underneath "Last Updated."
When you initiate or receive an international payment, the UETR number is often displayed within the transaction details on your bank’s online platform. Look under the specific transaction history or payment details section.
If you receive a digital or physical bank statement, the UETR number may be included in the details of the international transaction. Similarly, payment confirmation emails or SMS notifications might also list the UETR.
If you cannot locate the UETR number through the above methods, you can contact your bank or financial institution directly. Customer service representatives can provide the UETR associated with your international payment upon request.
UETRs are a great tool for enhancing the efficiency, transparency, and security of international transactions. By providing a unique identifier for each payment, UETR numbers ensure that funds can be tracked accurately from start to finish, benefiting banks, businesses, and individual customers alike. Understanding and utilising UETR numbers is essential for anyone involved in international financial operations, as they represent a significant step forward in modernising and streamlining global payments.
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